ADHD/Creyos Health Test Info

Schedule your Creyos Health Test by clicking on the contact us‘ or by calling us at 469-307-2531.

Your provider has recommended a Creyos Test, what should you expect?

Creyos Health Test is an advanced ADHD test used to gain a clear understanding of your symptoms. ADHD has three main symptoms: 

You will sit for a 20-30 minute computer-based task. The task measures your ability to maintain attention, concentration and impulse control. The results are used to create a report that compares your results with data from other people of the same sex and age. This way you can see how you react when you concentrate on a task in comparison with people who do not have ADHD.

Once the test is completed, your provider will schedule an appointment with you to discuss the results, confirm whether you meet the criteria for ADHD, and provide you with a copy of your test results. Your provider will then discuss treatment/medication options that are tailored to your individual mental health needs. 

What does the test look like?

What do the results look like?

There are several graphs at the upper part of the reports show activity level and the third graph shows attention and impulsivity control. At the bottom of the report, all test results are summarized as numerical values. Your provider will take the objective results from this test along with their clinical assessment to determine the diagnosis. 

More resources on Creyos Health Test

  • Science Overview– which classic neuropsychological test each test is derived from
  • Interpretation Guide– looks at different components of the reports, scoring, norms, FAQ, etc.
  • Normative Database– details surrounding our normative database of ~100k individuals
  • Questionnaire List– showcasing the questionnaires we house on the platform
  • Brain Regions Guide– outlining specific brain regions associated with the tasks
  • ADHD Science Guide– a breakdown of how the protocol was developed, including the background research conducted, elements included within the protocol, and the markers associated with ADHD. This guide is meant to serve as a resource to help you better understand how the protocol works so you can feel confident in its ability to help you assess patients for ADHD
  • ADHD Report Interpretation Guide– how the protocol works, sample results, and instructions for report interpretation